There’s a strong chance that you own some iteration of the items featured here in this post. For that, I say — Bravo! Now, before you go out and make a mad dash to buy the exact same pieces that you already own as your yearly refresh — let’s take...
Slim Down Your Wallet…Upgrade To A Card Case
We are currently in the first true golden age of where tech meets fashion in the wearables market. In the fitness tracker and watch markets, brands are finally starting to produce pieces that are functional for our increasingly health conscious lives and stylish enough to be worn on the day...
Slim Down Your Wallet…Upgrade To A Card Case
Garmin, who’s know for the GPS & running focused watches, has recently release their luxe lifestyle watch in the Fenix family called the Fenix Chronos. As a watch made for the stylish adventurer, I’ve partnered with the brand to show you three stylish ways to bring it to life and...